Safety Contracts for Suicidal Patients

Safety Contracts for Suicidal Patients


Suicide is a serious issue that affects millions of people all over the world. In many cases, suicidal patients require specialized care to help them deal with their mental health issues and prevent them from harming themselves. As a result, safety contracts have become an increasingly popular tool in the field of suicide prevention.

What is a safety contract?

A safety contract is an agreement between a suicidal patient and their healthcare provider that outlines their commitment to staying safe. The contract typically includes a list of warning signs that the patient may feel when they are experiencing suicidal ideation, as well as a set of coping strategies that the patient can use to manage these feelings. Additionally, the contract may include a list of people that the patient can contact for support in case of an emergency.

Why are safety contracts important?

Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide, and it can affect people of any age, gender, or background. Safety contracts are a valuable tool for healthcare providers who are working with patients who are at risk of suicide because they help to establish clear guidelines for what to do in case of an emergency. By outlining warning signs and coping strategies, safety contracts can help to prevent suicidal patients from acting on their thoughts and taking their own lives.

How are safety contracts used?

Safety contracts are typically used in mental health settings, such as hospitals, clinics, and therapy sessions. They are often developed collaboratively between the patient and their healthcare provider and may be updated as needed to reflect changes in the patient’s condition. In some cases, safety contracts may be used to supplement other treatment strategies, such as medication or therapy.

Are safety contracts effective?

There is no single strategy that is effective for preventing suicide, as the causes of suicide can be complex and multifaceted. However, safety contracts have been shown to be a valuable tool for reducing suicide risk among certain patient populations. In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, researchers found that safety contracts were associated with a lower risk of suicide attempts among patients who had a history of suicide attempts or suicidal ideation.

In conclusion, safety contracts are an important tool for healthcare providers who are working with suicidal patients. By outlining clear guidelines for what to do in case of an emergency, safety contracts can help to prevent suicide and provide patients with the support they need to manage their mental health issues. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, reach out to a healthcare provider or crisis hotline for help.